Oil & Gas

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Oil & Gas

As part of the completions process, sand control screens operate down hole and must therefore be totally reliable in terms of mesh count, micron rating, weave quality, and ultimately performance.


We have been at the forefront of developing a range of unique bespoke specifications for use in premium mesh sand screens, weaving a series of trial specifications for development and testing prior to final approval for manufacture.


Twill Dutch weave and Reverse Twill Dutch weave woven with 316L, Alloy 825 and Carpenter 20Cb-3 are most frequently used and we employ the full extent of our product verification processes to ensure that our products comply in all respects with industry norms and customer specific specifications. This includes in-house glass bead aperture testing and image analysis.

Precision mesh for sand control screens woven in Edinburgh from 316L Stainless, Alloy 825 and Carpenter 20Cb-3